- Research, in tandem, different Turbine designs and different generator ideas. Research the Betz limit and ways to overcome it. Look into the mechanics of Tesla Turbines.
Week 2+:
- Decide on which type of turbine design to pursue (we are looking at Tesla and Vertical axis turbines).
- Choose whether we want to work with water, air, or both.
- Determine the feasibility of building our own generator (having a two-pronged project)
- research environmental effects of water turbines
Week 3+:
- Research environmental effects of water turbines. Research environmental factors that could wear on turbine. Research the best place in which to place our turbine (small turbines to fit in downspouts?).
- research designs of vertical axis water turbines (what people have done in the past), specifically blade design
- research types of generators (although research of the actually turbine and its design is more important at this point)
Week 4+:
- continue research on vertical axis water turbines and different blade designs
- Think about energy storage
- Begin to actually build- use CAD modeling and the 3D printers to start creating some rough prototypes that we can eventually test, change, and recreate.
Week 5+
- Continue research on different designs, energy storage, and how we plant to use Arduino.
- Print the CAD models that we created on Solidworks. Toy around them them and create new iterations.
Week 6+
- build gutter environment
- assemble and test Tesnik-Gorlov design
- build Gorlov design so it can be assembled from multiple parts. Assemble Gorlov design.
- Print Savonius design and work on building Darieus design so that it, like the Gorlov design, can be printed in multiple parts and then assembled.
- research and build, on solid works, different blade and foil designs
12/3/14- Goals
- simulator/tutorial
- order parts
- create gutter environment
- reprint Gorlov deisgn
The simulator tutorial has been completed and uploaded to the "Tutorial" section of the blog. Magnets for the generator assembly have been ordered, and the gutter assembly has been created. Both the Gorlov and the Savonius turbines have been re-printed, and will be tested early next week.
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